A Somm On Somms

Eater brings us this great interview with Paul Grieco, the man behind the wines at Terroir. He runs us through the changes he's seen in New York City's wine world since he moved here in '91 and started working at Gramercy Tavern.
When asked what it feels like to have someone look at his wine list and not recognize a single thing on it, he says, "That makes me feel good. That makes you feel uncomfortable. I realize I am in the hospitality industry so I know making you uncomfortable shouldn't be a goal, but if I am going to do that then it is my charge to take you by the hand and educate you. Find a way to drink and eat what we're doing so that at the end of the experience you're satisfied, but you can also say, "Fuck, I learned something too."
You'll be able to catch him, and his goatee, at The Great Googa Mooga next month. An Extra Mooga ticket will get you access to the Spiegel Tent, where Grieco and Garrett Oliver, Brooklyn Brewery Brew Master, will host a chat about wine vs. beer.