Whole Lotta Groceries

Whole Foods Market has owned the lot at the corner of 3rd and 3rd in Gowanus since 2004. After plenty of backlash from the community, and years spent cleaning and remediating the once industrial lot, construction only somewhat recently began. Now that it has, the 52,000-square foot megastore (25% smaller than the original proposed grocery) is going up at a mind-blowing rate. Foundation beems are all in place and progress can easily be detected on a daily basis.
There will be a 20,000-square foot greenhouse on the roof, growing vegetables to be sold inside. Plans for the greenhouse were developed after developers decreased the number of onsite parking spaces from over 400 to 250. The market is slated to open this fall.
As for the Coignet Building on the corner (360 Third Ave), that isn't going anywhere. The 140-year-old, former New York and Long Island Coignet Stone Company office building is landmarked. That means, as NYC.gov explains, "the Landmarks Preservation Commission officially recognizes the building has special historical, cultural, or aesthetic value and that the building is an important part of New York City's historical and architectural heritage. To help protect the city's landmarks from inappropriate changes or destruction, the Commission must approve in advance any alteration, reconstruction, demolition, or new construction affecting the designated building." Whole Foods has invested in improvements for the building, and those include a new roof and exterior repairs. Oh, and it's for sale. Property owner Richard Kowalski is taking bids.

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