A Glowing Star for Calliope

[gothamist]Pete Wells is impressed with the French spirit at Calliope in the East Village. The restaurant is run by Eric Korsh and Ginevra Iverson; "The couple, who met while working at Picholine, share kitchen duties." Prior to opening Calliope, Korsh was the executive chef at the Waverly Inn. Iverson has Prune on her resume and Eric Anderson, an owner of Prune, is a partner in Calliope.
Rabbitt is an integral part of the restaurant's menu. Wells explains, "You’d have to spend a week in Paris to taste rabbit cooked in as many ways as it is served at Calliope." Kidneys, saddle, and a ragu make up the "cotton-tailed roster," all of which portray the synergy that exists between Korsh and Iverson's cooking. The two had practice working together not just at Picholine, but in California as well. The couple owned Restaurant Eloise together and only closed it at the end of 2009 to head east.
The food falls flat in some instances in a room that, although has taken a design cue from Keith McNally, re: "tiles, tin ceilings, scarred mirrors and glass doors," is loud and "can make conversation an ordeal." The overall glowing review leaves behind only one star, but it's made clear Calliope has a stronghold on the bistro tradition.

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